I've sent a couple of items off this week which…

Love at first sight? Not always… My vintage clock
Sometimes we take one look – and it’s love at first sight.
Other times, it’s an instant dislike.
And then there are those rare occasions when you pause, take a second look, and yet you’re still not quite sure…
So, I put my boring-but-sensible hat on and say “if you’re not sure – leave it.” Invariably (in my case at least) I live to regret this. But not this time!!!
Maybe it was because it was a sunny day (and everything was looking pretty good to me), maybe it’s because I have been pinning a whole ream of Mad Hatter’s Tea Party ideas lately – either way, I liked the faded grandeur of the clock’s age-worn gold edges against the simplicity of the humble clock face… so this little vintage clock came home with me!