Surprise parcels in the post – aren’t they just great?…

Hello! Welcome to my little cottage for vintage projects & shabby chic DIYs; ideas and projects
Vintage projects & shabby chic DIYs; ideas and projects
Vintage, shabby-chic, shabby-vintage – whatever you like to call it, I love the ‘lived-in’ look here in my little cottage in Cornwall.
This site is just a way of sharing a few photos and thoughts of some of my favourite, but very easy, projects which have found themselves sharing the cottage – I hope you enjoy trying some of them yourself. Sign up to my Newsletter if you’d like me to keep you updated as I add more.
All projects and images used here are my own. Obviously, many are based on age-old “tried and tested” ideas and are intended to act as reminders of what has been done many times before; I hope they spark your imagination, as they have mine, and inspire you to look at what you already have with fresh eyes.
Vintage projects & shabby chic DIYs; nothing in this cottage is safe from the scissors or paint brush for long… join me to share ideas and projects.
All of my photographs, templates and designs are my own and, as such, are protected by copyright laws. Because we all love to share I am, of course, happy for you to pin them or use one photo per project to share on your own blog – just be reasonable and ensure you link back to my original post for the main project with full credit to my site – remembering to credit my photos too. Please do not copy or pin my tutorials in part or full and do not alter my photographs in any way. Happy crafting!