Today, while roaming in Looe with family, I came across…

Tea cup from Deb in Michigan, US
My surprise tea cup parcel came a fair few miles – from Deb in her Michigan farm house to my little cottage in Cornwall.
As well as my cute tea cup, Deb found some lovely old treasures for me, including an old Singer sewing booklet, doily, vintage buttons (some bought and some from her own stash), scissors holder, egg cups, a pretty tin of English tea…
Thanks so much Deb – I look forward to keeping in touch and hearing more about your lovely home and your restoration projects in it. I hope your picnic went well!
My parcel went overseas as well, to Silvia in Italy, who told me her parcel came from the UK too, from Adaline in Gainsborough. I have already ‘met’ Adaline as I received a lovely parcel from her in a past exchange! Her tea cup sits very nicely on my shelf and is one that comes out regularly when I like to have my first (and last!) cup of tea of each day outside on a sunny bench. Perfect.
I so enjoyed your tea cup post, dear Dawn, and oh, what a charming little tea cup! I just love it. And the extra gifts from Deb are truly lovely.
Thank you for joining the exchange. Hugs to you! Stephanie-The Enchanting Rose
Hi Stephanie
I’m late in replying I’m afraid, but I’m enjoying looking around at what everyone else has sent and received now! Thanks so much for your hard work – I realise it must take a lot of time and energy. You’ve made lots of people very happy again this year!
Best wishes
Dawn x
What a lovely parcel you received. Your teacup is gorgeous – and I adore those egg cups! I may soft boiled eggs-in-a-cup often, and yours are the prettiest i have seen!
Michigan is just the state above me here – about 3 1/2 hours away. I was actually born – but did not grow up- in Michigan. : – )
I have never been to England, but my daughter married a British fella and has been there often.
What a fun exchange, huh? Stephanie is a very special gal for doing this for us.
Hi Michele – it’s so funny when the same places keep popping up, isn’t it? I’m enjoying keeping in touch with Deb, who sent me my goodies. Sounds like your son-in-law lives in the US with you guys now – that’s lovely. If you ever get the chance to come to the UK, I’m sure you’d enjoy it. We’re having the best weather at the minute, so I’m spending lots of time outside drinking tea…!
Best wishes, Dawn x
How exciting to receive a package from across the pond. Purple is my favourite colour so I’m loving the dainty teacup!
Hi Margie – yes, it’s lovely, isn’t it? I loved yours too – and I love your post on Royal Wedding Teas! I’ll have a good look around your site another day…Best wishes, Dawn x