Lace Picture from scraps

Lace Picture from scraps

At home In  Cornwall - Lace Picture Project

As with the majority of my projects, this is one simple, pretty and adaptable. Use whatever lace and fabric scraps you have or, because you’ll need such small pieces, indulge yourself and buy a few special pieces for your lace picture which would usually be too expensive to use on a larger project. A selection of ornate ribbon could work equally as well.

You will need:

  • Wooden picture frame
  • Fabric
  • Selection of lace/ribbon (around 6 pieces)
  • Piece of thin card
  • Double-sided tape
  • Sewing pins
  • Picture hook and small piece of wire if needed
  1. Measure and cut your card to the same size as the back of the frame. Measure and cut your fabric to be around 1cm larger all around than the back of your frame.
  2. Place your fabric, right side down, on a flat surface. Place your card centrally then apply a strip (or two if the tape is narrow) of double-sided tape along all sides of the card. Use this to stick the ‘flaps’ of fabric to the reverse of the card. You may need to cut the corners of the fabric off to prevent it being too bulky. Turn right-side up again.
  3. Cut your pieces of lace and/or ribbon to be 1cm wider than the fabric (2cm wider each side than the back of the frame) and place them on the fabric. Try them in different orders until you achieve your preferred look, using pins to keep them temporarily in place.
  4. Turn the whole piece over and use more tape to stick the lace permanently, as you did with the fabric. Turn right-side up again and re-assemble the whole frame (adding a picture hook if needed).

At home In  Cornwall - Lace Picture Project

You could use the double-sided tape the entire length between the lace and the fabric, to hold the lace in place. If your lace is quite dense or you are using all ribbon this may not be a problem, however, I have used tape in a similar way previously only to find that the tape discoloured with time.
Adapt it
Of course, this could be made with virtually any type of fabric – I think I will make a similar lace picture but use some pale floral fabric next time with off-white lace. I may even add some buttons and leave the glass out of the frame…

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